Signatures in Seconds

  • Why rely on unreadable faxed or scanned copies?
  • Why wait for snail mail?
  • Why go back and forth with your client if signatures are missing?
  • Why frustrate your client and yourself with wasting valuable time?
  • USD GoSign is your solution for accurate, immediate and secure signed documentation.

Add any PDFs to sign

Upload your PDFs, drag and drop where you need your client's signatures and initials.

Email your client a request to sign

Your client can take out their cell phone, open their email, review the document, use their finger or keyboard to sign, intial and send. It's really that simple.

The USD GoSign Dashboard

The powerful yet simple USD GoSign Dashboard has much to offer. View all sent docs, opened docs, signed docs, certs of completion, log history and so much more.

Not just Signatures

View the many features of USD GoSign by clicking on the FEATURES link at top.

The Old Way
  • You need your customer to sign a document.
  • You send it regular mail or fax or email to your customer.
  • If sent by regular mail, you now have to wait for days.
  • If sent by email, your customer needs a printer but won't have access to one for a few hours, or possibly days.
  • Your customer has to print, sign, then either fax or scan and email back to you.
  • You finally receive the document, but there is a signature or page missing.
  • The document has to be sent back to your customer for missing information and you now have to wait again for the Completed document.
USD GoSign Way
  • You need your customer to sign a document.
  • You email it to your customer.
  • Your customer opens the email from their phone or computer, types or signs with their finger where indicated and clicks SEND (documents will not be sent without ALL signatures and/or intials)
The Problem
  • How many times have you received a poorly scanned or faxed document?
  • How many times has your client left out a signature?
  • How many times have you received your document with a page missing?
  • How much time did you waste on the phone explaining where signatures are needed?
The Solution
  • You get a perfect copy of the fully signed document
  • You get a USD GoSign Certificate of completion
  • You did NOT inconvenience your client
  • You did NOT need printers, scanners, faxing or delays
  • You get ALL signatures and initials
  • Your client instantly gets an email of the signed and initialed document

Why E-Signatures

Any person or company that has a need to get documents signed from their clients will find there is nothing easier than USD GoSign. See below the OLD WAY and the NEW WAY which will clear things up for you.

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